Worry - Besorgnis
Younito Trusting - Younito Gutgläubig
Younito Frightened - Younito Erschreckt
Younito Astonished - Younito Erstaunt
Younito Agreeing - Younito Zustimmend
Younito Shocked - Younito Empört
Younito Angry - Younito Wütend
Younito Awefilled - Younito Erfürchtig
Younito Refusing - Younito Verweigernd
Younito Thoughtful - Younito Nachdenklich
Younito excitedly in Love - Younito Hoffnungslos Verliebt
Younito in Love - Younito Verliebt
Younito has a new idea - Younito hat eine neue idee
Younito Happy - Younito Glücklich
Younito sad - Younito Traurig
Younito Confused - Younito Verwirrt
Younito Awefilled - Younito Erfürchtig
Younito Agressive - Younito Streitlustig
Younito Hateful - Younito Hasserfüllt
Younito admiring - Younito Bewundernd
Younito Angry - Younito Wütend
Virus - Virus
Chemistry Glass - Chemie ding
Wrench - Schraubenschlüssel
Camera - Kamera
Shield - Schild
Sheep - Schaf
Antenna - Antenne
Television - Fernseher
Lock - Schloss
Torch - Fackel
Chick - Küken
Bunny-Egg - Hasenei
Easter Bunny - Osterhase
Phone - Handy
Sydney Opera - Sydney Opernhaus
Stearingwheel - Steuerrad
Star - Stern
Stakeholder - Interessierte
Sprint - Arbeitszyklus
Speed - Geschwindigkeit
Impediment - Behinderung
Multitasking - Multitasking
Produkt Marketing - Produktmarketing
To Do List - To Do Liste
Key - Schlüssel
Jack in a box
Impediment Man - Hindernis
Shark Fin - Heiflosse
Geschenk - Gift
Target - Zielscheibe
Flipchartninja - Flipchart Ninja
Fire Works - Feuerwerk
Younito with Heart
Globe - Globus
Deadline - Deadline
Throphy - Throphäe
Crystal - Kristall
Coach - Trainer
Candycane - Zuckerstange
Candle - Kerze
Backlog - Backlog
Younito Welcoming - Younito Einladend
Younito Confident - Younito Selbstsicher
Younito Accepting - Younito Akzeptierend
Younito Relaxed - Younito Gelassen
Younito Relaxed - Younito entspannt
Younito Optimistic - Younito Optimistisch
Younito Frustrated - Younito Frustriert
Younito Ecstatic - Younito Begeistert
Younito Bored - Younito Gelangweilt
Younito Dancing - Younito Tanzt
Announcement - Bekanntmachen
Tower - Turm
Thumbs up - Daumen hoch
Thought - Gedanke
Camp - Lager
Sun - Sonne
Statement - Aussage
Speech - Rede
Snail - Schnecke
Shop - Laden
Skull - Schädel
Milestone - Meilenstein
Shopping - Einkaufen
Scale - Waage
Saturn - Saturn
Ruler - Lineal
Rocket - Rakete
Robot - Roboter
Progress - Fortschritt
Price Tag - Preisschild
Parking Sign - Parkschild
Paper Plane - Papierflieger
Paperclip - Büroklammer
Trash - Müll
Computer - Laptop
Network - Netzwerk
Journey - Reise
Moon - Mond
Finance - Finanz
Microphone - Mikrophon
Tape Measure - Maßband
Map - Karte
Magnifying Glass - Lupe
Wand - Zauberstab
Lighthouse - Leuchtturm
Lightbulb - Glühbirne
Torch - Taschenlampe
Recycle - Recyceln
Island - Insel
Injection - Injektion
Hourglass - Sanduhr
Heart - Herz
Whiteboard - Tafel
Finish - Ende
Gears - Zahnräder
Funnel - Filter
Footprint - Fußabdruck
Flipchart - Flipchart
Goal - Ziel
Fire - Feuer
Drone - Drohne
Dinosaur - Dinosaurier
Diamond - Diamant
Data - Daten
Money - Geld
Credit Card - Kreditkarte
Computermouse - Computermaus
Zirkel - Divider
Coins - Münzen
Christmas - Weihnachten
Easter Chicken - Osterküken
Car - Auto
Calendar - Kalender
Calculator - Taschenrechner
Bumblebee - Hummel
Bridge - Brücke
Book - Buch
Bomb - Bombe
Binoculars - Fernglas
Headline - Überschrift
Bank - Bank (euro)
Bank - Bank (dollar)
Balloon - Ballon
Arrow - Pfeil
Appointment - Termin
Radio Tower - Radio Turm
Anchor - Anker
Agile manifesto - Agiles Manifest
Alarm - Wecker
Audience - Publikum
Beer - Bier
Birdhouse - Vogelhäuschen
Boomerang - Bumerang
Brain - Gehirn
Brain - Gehirn
Briefcase - Aktentasche
Brown Bag - Brottüte
Burn up - Fortschritt
Buy a feature - Feature Handel
Commitment - Verpflichtung
Construction - Konstruktion
Controller - Controller
Cricket - Cricket
Cricket - Cricket
Dairy Shop - Gemischtwarenladen
Death - Tod
Dice - Würfel
Drone - Drohne
Easter Bunny hiding - Versteckter Osterhase
Easter chicken in basket - Osterküken in Korb
Easter Egg - Osterei
Epic - Großes Arbeitspaket
Eye - Auge
feedback - Feedback
Fire - Feuer
Flow - Vertiefung
Flower - Blume
Football - Football
Fundament - Fundament
Goal - Ziel
Graduation Hat - Abschluss Hut
Grave - Grab
Guidance - Führung
Headline - Überschrift
Hot Spring - Heiße Quelle
House - Haus
Inspect - Betrachten
Kangeroo - Känguru
Kiwi - Kiwi
Kiwi - Kiwi
Koala - Koala
Lead - Vorlaufzeit
Letter - Brief
Luggage - Gepäck
Magnet - Magnet
Market Place - Marktplatz
Meeting - Meeting
Microscope - Mikroskop
Movie - Film
Muffin - muffin
Night - Nacht
Old Picture - Altes Bild
Picture Frame - Bilderrahmen
Planning - Planen
Power Socket - Steckdose
Prioritisation - Prioritisieren
Product Owner - Produktverantwortlicher
Pyramids - Pyramide
Ready - DoR
Refinement - Backlogpflege
Retrospective - Retrospektive
Retrospective - Retrospektive
Rover - Rover
Sandals - Flip-Flops
Seal - Siegel
Showcase - Produktvorstellung
Sign - Schild
Sound board
Sprint Goal - Sprintziel
Sputnik - Sputnik
Stairs - Treppe
Stand up - Standup
Strategy - Strategie
Surprise - Überraschung
Task - Aufgabe
Task - Aufgabe
Team - Gruppe
Team Coach - Teamcoach
Transparency- Transparenz
Treasure Hunt - Schatzsuche
Umbrella - Regenschirm
User Story - Anwendererzählung
Vegemite - Vegemite
Workload - Arbeitslast
Younito Bored - Younito Gelangweilt
Younito is running
Younito Remorseful - Younito Bereuend
Younito Rescue - Younito Rettung
Younito Somber - Younito Düster